• singarajucancerfoundation@gmail.com
  • +91 63058 01671


Causes of cancer Part 3

Causes of cancer Part 3

STD- sexually transmitted diseases are known to cause several cancers Human papilloma virus is known to cause  cervical,genital,oral,anal cancers HIV...
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Cancer and causes

Cancer and causes

cancer is leading cause of death and every year. no of cancer cases are increasing every year. The number  of...
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Cancer & Covid
Cancer Covid

Cancer & Covid

Cancer & Covid Which  patients at higher risk of covid? All people with immunocompromised conditions like uncontrolled diabetes,  cancer, people...
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FAQ IN Vaccines
Cancer Covid

FAQ IN Vaccines

How does  Vaccine work? Vaccines train immune system using harmless form of vaccine. vaccine activates adaptive immune response. adaptive immune...
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Managing Stress In Cancer Patients

Managing Stress In Cancer Patients

A disease such as cancer is often one of the most stressful experiences of a person’s life. Psychological stress describes...
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